enhance serverside uml

This commit is contained in:
monoid 2022-06-11 23:50:11 +09:00
parent f0c67b8bc4
commit 8c95d2f24f
2 changed files with 201 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -6,22 +6,31 @@
class PermissionDescriptor {
class IPermissionDescriptor {
+canRead(path: string): boolean
+canWrite(path: string): boolean
+canCustom(path: string, options: any): boolean
+toJSON(): any
<<Interface>> PermissionDescriptor
PermissionDescriptor <|.. PermissionImpl
<<Interface>> IPermissionDescriptor
IPermissionDescriptor <|.. AdminPermission
class AdminPermission {
+canRead(): boolean
+canWrite(): boolean
+canCustom(): boolean
+toJSON(): Inline
IPermissionDescriptor <|.. PermissionImpl
class PermissionImpl {
+basePath: string
+writable: boolean
+toJSON(): Inline
+canRead(path: string): boolean
+canWrite(path: string): boolean
+canCustom(_path: string, _options: any): boolean
SessionStore o-- UserSession
UserSession *-- PermissionDescriptor
UserSession *-- IUser
class SessionStore~T~ {
+sessions: Record<string, T>
+get(id: string): T
@ -34,9 +43,64 @@ class UserSession {
+id: string
+superuser: boolean
+expiredAt: number
+permissionSet: PermissionDescriptor
+permissionSet: IPermissionDescriptor
<<Interface>> UserSession
IPermissionDescriptor <|.. IUser
class IUser {
+id: string
+expiredAt: number
+basepath: string
+joinPath(path: string): string
+relativePath(path: string): string
+setExpired(seconds: number): void
+isExpired(): boolean
+toJSON(): any
<<Interface>> IUser
IUser <|.. UserSessionImpl
class UserSessionImpl {
+id: string
+expiredAt: number
+permissionSet: IPermissionDescriptor
+basepath: string
+toJSON(): UserSessionImplJSON
+joinPath(path: string): string
+relativePath(path: string): string
+setExpired(seconds: number): void
+isExpired(): boolean
+canRead(path: string): boolean
+canWrite(path: string): boolean
+canCustom(path: string, options: any): boolean
class DocumentContent {
+chunks: RPC.Chunk[]
+tags: string[]
+version: number
<<Interface>> DocumentContent
class DocReadWriter {
+read(path: string): Promise<DocumentContent>
+save(path: string, doc: DocumentContent): Promise<void>
<<Interface>> DocReadWriter
DocReadWriter <|.. MemoryDocReadWriterType
class MemoryDocReadWriterType {
-store: Map<string, DocumentContent>
+read(path: string): Promise<DocumentContent>
+save(path: string, doc: DocumentContent): Promise<void>
+clear(): void
DocReadWriter <|.. DocFileReadWriterType
class DocFileReadWriterType {
+rw: IReadWriter
+read(path: string): Promise<DocumentContent>
+save(path: string, doc: DocumentContent): Promise<void>
DocumentContent ..> DocReadWriter
@ -80,11 +144,20 @@ Router <|.. FsRouter
class ResponseBuilder {
+status: Status
+headers: Record<string, string>
+headers: Headers
+body?: BodyInit
+#response: Response
+#resolved: boolean
+resolved: boolean
+setStatus(status: Status): this
+setHeader(key: string, value: string): this
+setHeaders(headers: Record<string, string>): this
+setBody(body: BodyInit): this
+setResponse(response: Response, resolved?: boolean): this
+setCors(origin: string, credentials: boolean): this
+setCorsMethods(methods: string[]): this
+setContentType(contentType: string): this
+setJson(json: unknown): this
+redirect(location: string): this
+build(): Response
@ -133,8 +206,10 @@ class ChunkMoveAction {
class Participant {
+id: string
+user: UserSession
+user: IUser
+send(data: string): void
+sendNotification(notification: RPC.RPCNotification): void
+responseWith(data: RPC.RPCResponse): void
+addEventListener(type: T, listener: (this: WebSocket, event: WebSocketEventMap[T]) => void): void
+removeEventListener(type: T, listener: (this: WebSocket, event: WebSocketEventMap[T]) => void): void
+close(): void
@ -143,8 +218,10 @@ class Participant {
Participant <|.. Connection
class Connection {
+id: string
+user: UserSession
+user: IUser
+socket: WebSocket
+sendNotification(notification: RPC.RPCNotification): void
+responseWith(res: RPC.RPCResponse): void
+send(data: string): void
+addEventListener(type: T, listener: (this: WebSocket, event: WebSocketEventMap[T]) => void): void
+removeEventListener(type: T, listener: (this: WebSocket, event: WebSocketEventMap[T]) => void): void
@ -156,33 +233,50 @@ class ParticipantList {
+get(id: string): any
+remove(id: string): void
+unicast(id: string, message: string): void
+broadcast(message: string): void
+unicastNotification(id: string, notification: RPC.RPCNotification): void
+broadcastNotification(notification: RPC.RPCNotification): void
ParticipantList o-- Participant
DocumentObject <|.. FileDocumentObject
class FileDocumentObject {
+docPath: string
+chunks: Chunk[]
+tags: string[]
+updatedAt: number
+tagsUpdatedAt: number
+open(): Promise<void>
+parse(content: unknown[]): void
+save(): Promise<void>
class ISubscriptable {
+join(participant: Participant): void
+leave(participant: Participant): void
+broadcastChunkMethod(method: ChunkNotificationParam, updatedAt: number, exclude?: Participant): void
+participantsCount: number
+participants: Participant[]
FileDocumentObject <|-- ActiveDocumentObject
<<Interface>> ISubscriptable
ISubscriptable <|.. ActiveDocumentObject
class ActiveDocumentObject {
+conns: Set<Participant>
-conns: RefCountSet<Participant>
-disposeHandlers: (() => void)[]
+history: DocHistory[]
+maxHistory: number
+docPath: string
+chunks: RPC.Chunk[]
+updatedAt: number
+seq: number
+#tags: string[]
+tagsUpdatedAt: number
+readWriter: DocReadWriter
+dispose(): void
+save(): Promise<void>
+setTags(tags: string[]): void
+tags: string[]
+participantsCount: any
+participants: Participant[]
+join(conn: Participant): void
+joined(conn: Participant): boolean
+leave(conn: Participant): void
+open(): Promise<void>
+updateDocHistory(method: ChunkMethodHistory): void
+broadcastMethod(method: ChunkMethod, updatedAt: number, exclude?: Participant): void
+broadcastChunkMethod(method: ChunkNotificationParam, updatedAt: number, exclude?: Participant): void
+broadcastTagsNotification(exclude?: Participant): void
IDisposable <|.. ActiveDocumentObject
DocumentObject <|.. ActiveDocumentObject
class DocumentStore {
+documents: Inline
+open(conn: Participant, docPath: string): Promise<ActiveDocumentObject>
@ -193,16 +287,91 @@ DocumentStore o-- ActiveDocumentObject
class IFsWatcher{
addEventListener(): void
onNofity(e: FileWatchEvent): void
class IDisposable {
+dispose(): void
<<interface>> IFsWatcher
class FsWatcherImpl{
onNotify(e: FileWatchEvent): void
<<Interface>> IDisposable
IDisposable <|.. RefCountDisposable
class RefCountDisposable {
-refCount: number
-handlers: (() => void)[]
+dispose(): void
+disposeForced(): void
+addRef(): void
+addDisposeHandler(handler: () => void): void
class RefCountSet~T~ {
-items: Map<T, RefCountDisposable>
+add(item: T, disposeHandler?: () => void): void
+addDisposeHandler(item: T, handler: () => void): boolean
+delete(item: T): void
+deleteForced(item: T): void
+clear(): void
+size: number
+has(item: T): boolean
+values(): IterableIterator<T>
RefCountDisposable --o RefCountSet~T~
Event <|-- FsWatcherEvent
class FsWatcherEvent {
+paths: string[]
EventTarget <|-- FsWatcher
class FsWatcher {
-path: string
-watcher?: Deno.FsWatcher
-filterFns: ((path: string, kind: FsWatchEventType) => boolean)[]
+addFilter(fn: (path: string, kind: FsWatchEventType) => boolean): void
+removeFilter(fn: (path: string, kind: FsWatchEventType) => boolean): boolean
+startWatching(): void
+stopWatching(): void
+addEventListener(type: FsWatchEventType, handler: (e: FsWatcherEvent) => void): void
class IReadWriter {
+read(path: string): Promise<string>
+write(path: string, content: string): Promise<void>
<<Interface>> IReadWriter
class MemoryReadWriter {
-data: Record<string, string>
+read(path: string): Promise<string>
+write(path: string, content: string): Promise<void>
IReadWriter <|.. MemoryReadWriter
IReadWriter <|.. AtomicReadWriter
class AtomicReadWriter {
+read(path: string): Promise<string>
+write(path: string, content: string): Promise<void>
IReadWriter <|.. WatchFilteredReadWriter
class WatchFilteredReadWriter {
-raw: AtomicReadWriter
-fsWatcher: FsWatcher
+read(path: string): Promise<string>
+write(path: string, content: string): Promise<void>
IReadWriter <|.. QueueReadWriter
class QueueReadWriter {
-queue: Command[]
+started: boolean
-waitedResolve: () => void
+delayCount: number
+baseReadWriter: IReadWriter
+read(path: string): Promise<string>
+write(path: string, content: string): Promise<void>
+save(path: string, content: string): void
+startTimer(): void
+flush(): Promise<void>
+wait(): Promise<void>
### 5.1.2 Client Side UML

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@ -47,6 +47,9 @@
1. [Server Side UML](./architecture.md#511-server-side-uml)
2. [Client Side UML](./architecture.md#512-client-side-uml)
2. [의사코드(Pseudo Code)](./architecture.md#52-의사코드pseudo-code)
1. [서버 RPC 메세지 처리](./architecture.md#521-서버-rpc-메세지-처리)
2. [클라이언트의 메세지 처리 동기화](./architecture.md#522-클라이언트의-메세지-처리-동기화)
3. [다른 작업들](./architecture.md#523-다른-작업들)
6. [시험(Testing)](./testing.md)
1. [유닛 테스트(Unit test)](./testing.md#61-유닛-테스트unit-test)
2. [기능 테스트(Functional Test)](./testing.md#62-기능-테스트functional-test)