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(* open Lexer *)
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
type parser_context = {
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
seq: (Token.t * Lexer.lexer_context) Seq.t;
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
errors: string list;
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
(* The parser is a function that takes a parser_context and returns an option of a tuple of a value and a parser_context.*)
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
type 'a parser = parser_context -> ('a * parser_context) option
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
let return (a: 'a) = fun (ctx: parser_context) -> Some (a, ctx)
let stop = fun (_: parser_context) -> None
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let fmap (f: 'a -> 'b) (p: 'a parser): 'b parser = fun (ctx: parser_context) ->
match p ctx with
| Some (a, ctx') -> Some (f a, ctx')
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
| None -> None
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let bind (a: 'a parser) (b:'a -> 'b parser) = fun (ctx: parser_context) ->
let p = a ctx in
match p with
| Some (a', ctx') -> b a' ctx'
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
| None -> None
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let push_error (msg: string): unit parser = fun (ctx: parser_context) ->
Some ((), { ctx with errors = msg::ctx.errors })
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
let (>>=) = bind
let (let*) = bind
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let or_parser (a: 'a parser) (b: 'a parser): 'a parser = fun (ctx: parser_context) ->
match a ctx with
| Some _ as res -> res
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
| None -> b ctx
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
let (<|>) = or_parser
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let peek_token: Token.t parser = fun (ctx: parser_context) ->
2025-01-29 22:36:57 +09:00
Seq.uncons ctx.seq |> (fun ((t, _),_) -> (t,ctx))
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let next_token: Token.t parser = fun (ctx: parser_context) ->
2025-01-29 22:36:57 +09:00
Seq.uncons ctx.seq |> (fun ((t,_), s) -> (t,
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
{ ctx with seq = s}
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let rec eat_until: (Token.t -> bool) -> unit parser = fun (filter) ->
let* tt = peek_token in
if not (filter tt) then
let* _ = next_token in
eat_until filter
return ()
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let match_token (tt: Token.token_type) : Token.t parser =
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* t = next_token in
if t.token_type = tt then
return t
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let match_identifier: string parser =
let* tt = next_token in
match tt.token_type with
| Token.Identifier id -> return id
| _ -> stop
let zero_or_one (p: 'a parser): ('a option) parser = ((fmap (fun x -> Some x) p) <|> return None )
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let rec many (p: 'a parser): 'a list parser =
let* a = zero_or_one p in
match a with
| Some a' -> (
let* as' = many p in
return (a'::as')
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
| None -> return []
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let many1 (p: 'a parser): 'a list parser =
let* a = p in
let* as' = many p in
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
return (a::as')
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
type_parameter ::= [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
type_generic ::= ''' type_parameter
type_declare ::= identifier | identifier -> type_declare | (type_declare) -> type_declare
let_expr ::= let identifier (: type_declare)? = expr in expr
fun_expr ::= fun (identifier | ('(' identifier (: type_declare)? ')'))? -> expr
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
if_expr ::= if expr then expr else expr
2025-01-29 18:07:47 +09:00
factor ::= (expr) | identifier | number
call_expr ::= factor | factor factor
level1 ::= call_expr | level1 + call_expr | level1 - call_expr
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
level2 ::= level2 * level1 | level2 / level1 | level2 % level1 | level1
level3 ::= level2 ^ level3 | level2
expr ::= let_expr | fun_expr | if_expr | level3
type_alias ::= 'type' type_declare (type_generic)? = type_declare
top ::= expr
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
type bin_op_type =
| Add
| Sub
| Mul
| Div
| Mod
| Pow
let token2op (t: Token.token_type): bin_op_type option =
match t with
| Token.Add -> Some Add
| Token.Sub -> Some Sub
| Token.Mul -> Some Mul
| Token.Div -> Some Div
| Token.Mod -> Some Mod
| Token.Pow -> Some Pow
| _ -> None
let op2str (op: bin_op_type): string =
match op with
| Add -> "+"
| Sub -> "-"
| Mul -> "*"
| Div -> "/"
| Mod -> "%"
| Pow -> "^"
type mono_op_type =
| Neg
type type_tree =
| TypeIdentifier of string
| TypeArrow of type_tree * type_tree
type let_expr_tree = {
(* // TODO: add Pattern Matching *)
name: string;
type_declare: type_tree option;
value_expr: expr_tree;
in_expr: expr_tree;
and fun_expr_tree = {
name: string;
type_declare: type_tree option;
body_expr: expr_tree;
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
and if_expr_tree = If of expr_tree * expr_tree * expr_tree
2025-01-29 18:07:47 +09:00
and call_expr_tree = Call of expr_tree * expr_tree
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
and expr_tree =
| LetExpr of let_expr_tree
| FunExpr of fun_expr_tree
| IfExpr of if_expr_tree
2025-01-29 18:07:47 +09:00
| CallExpr of call_expr_tree
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
| BinOpExpr of bin_op_type * expr_tree * expr_tree
| MonoOpExpr of bin_op_type * expr_tree
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
| Identifier of string
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
| Number of int
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let typeTree2str (t: type_tree): string =
let rec aux t =
match t with
| TypeIdentifier id -> id
| TypeArrow (t1, t2) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s -> %s)" (aux t1) (aux t2) in
aux t
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let expr2str (e: expr_tree): string =
2025-01-29 20:44:36 +09:00
let tab n = String.make (n * 2) ' ' in
let rec aux e depth =
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
match e with
| LetExpr ({
name = id;
value_expr = e1;
in_expr = e2;
type_declare = td;
}) ->
let type_declare_str = match td with
| Some t -> Printf.sprintf ": %s" (typeTree2str t)
| None -> "" in
Printf.sprintf "let %s%s = %s in\n%s%s" id
type_declare_str (aux e1 depth) (tab depth) (aux e2 (depth+1))
| FunExpr ({
name = id;
body_expr = e;
type_declare = td;
}) ->
let arg_str = match td with
| Some t -> Printf.sprintf "(%s: %s)" id (typeTree2str t)
| None -> id in
Printf.sprintf "fun %s ->\n%s%s" arg_str (tab depth) (aux e (depth+1))
| IfExpr (If (e1, e2, e3)) -> Printf.sprintf "if %s then %s else %s" (aux e1 depth) (aux e2 depth) (aux e3 depth)
| CallExpr (Call (e1, e2)) -> Printf.sprintf "%s(%s)" (aux e1 depth) (aux e2 depth)
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
| BinOpExpr (op, e1, e2) -> Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s" (aux e1 depth) (op2str op) (aux e2 depth)
| MonoOpExpr (op, e) -> Printf.sprintf "%s %s" (op2str op) (aux e depth)
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
| Identifier id -> id
| Number n -> string_of_int n in
2025-01-29 20:44:36 +09:00
aux e 0
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let rec parse_type_declare (): type_tree parser =
let parse_simple_type () =
let* tt = peek_token in
match tt.token_type with
| Token.Identifier x ->
let* _ = next_token in
return (TypeIdentifier x)
| Token.LParen ->
let* _ = match_token Token.LParen in
let* t = parse_type_declare() in
let* _ = match_token Token.RParen in
return t
| _ -> stop
let* base = parse_simple_type() in
let* lookahead = peek_token in
match lookahead.token_type with
| Token.Arrow ->
let* _ = next_token in
(* // TODO: add error handling for invalid type declaration *)
let* t = parse_type_declare() in
return (TypeArrow (base, t))
| _ -> return base
let parse_type_declare_with_colon (): type_tree option parser =
let* tt = zero_or_one (match_token Token.Colon) in
begin match tt with
| Some _ ->
let* t = zero_or_one (parse_type_declare()) in
begin match t with
| Some(t) -> return (Some t)
| _ -> let* _ = (push_error "invalid type declare") in return None
| None -> return None
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let rec parse_let_expr (): let_expr_tree parser =
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let* _ = match_token ( Token.Let) in
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* tt = next_token in
match tt.token_type with
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
Token.Identifier(x) ->
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let id = x in
let* type_declare = parse_type_declare_with_colon() in
let* _ = eat_until (fun x -> x.token_type = Token.Equal) in
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let* _ = match_token Token.Equal in
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* e1 = expr() in
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let* _ = match_token (Token.In) in
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* e2 = expr() in
return ({
name = id;
value_expr = e1;
in_expr = e2;
type_declare = type_declare
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
| _ -> stop
and parse_fun_expr (): fun_expr_tree parser =
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let* _ = match_token (Token.Fun) in
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* tt = next_token in
begin match tt.token_type with
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
Token.Identifier(x) ->
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let id = x in
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let* _ = match_token Token.Arrow in
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* e = expr() in
return ({
name = id;
body_expr = e;
type_declare = None
| Token.LParen ->
let* id = match_identifier in
let* type_declare = parse_type_declare_with_colon() in
let* _ = eat_until (fun x -> x.token_type = Token.RParen) in
let* _ = match_token Token.RParen in
let* _ = match_token Token.Arrow in
let* e = expr() in
return ({
name = id;
body_expr = e;
type_declare = type_declare
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
| _ -> stop
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
and parse_if_expr (): if_expr_tree parser =
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let* _ = match_token (Token.If) in
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* e1 = expr() in
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let* _ = match_token (Token.Then) in
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* e2 = expr() in
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let* _ = match_token (Token.Else) in
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* e3 = expr() in
return (If (e1, e2, e3))
2025-01-29 18:07:47 +09:00
and parse_factor (): expr_tree parser =
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* tt = peek_token in
match tt.token_type with
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
| Token.Identifier x ->
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* _ = next_token in
return (Identifier x)
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
| Token.Digit x ->
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* _ = next_token in
return (Number (int_of_string x))
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
| Token.LParen ->
let* _ = match_token Token.LParen in
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* e = expr() in
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let* _ = match_token Token.RParen in
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
return e
| _ -> stop
2025-01-29 18:07:47 +09:00
and parse_call_expr (): expr_tree parser =
let* e1 = parse_factor() in
let rec aux e1 =
let* c = peek_token in
match c.token_type with
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
| Token.Identifier _ | Token.Digit _ | Token.LParen ->
2025-01-29 18:07:47 +09:00
let* e2 = parse_factor() in
aux (CallExpr (Call (e1, e2)))
| _ -> return e1 in
aux e1
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
and parse_level1 (): expr_tree parser =
2025-01-29 18:07:47 +09:00
let* e1 = parse_call_expr() in
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let rec aux e1 =
let* c = peek_token in
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let tt = c.token_type in
match tt with
| Token.Add | Token.Sub ->
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* _ = next_token in
2025-01-29 18:07:47 +09:00
let* e2 = parse_call_expr() in
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let op = match token2op tt with
| Some x -> x
| None -> failwith "unreachable" in
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
aux (BinOpExpr (op, e1, e2))
| _ -> return e1 in
aux e1
and parse_level2 (): expr_tree parser =
let* e1 = parse_level1() in
let rec aux e1 =
let* c = peek_token in
match c.token_type with
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
| Token.Mul | Token.Div | Token.Mod ->
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* _ = next_token in
let* e2 = parse_level1() in
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let op = match token2op c.token_type with
| Some x -> x
| None -> failwith "unreachable" in
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
aux (BinOpExpr (op, e1, e2))
| _ -> return e1 in
aux e1
and parse_level3 (): expr_tree parser =
let* e1 = parse_level2() in
let rec aux e1 =
let* c = peek_token in
match c.token_type with
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
| Token.Pow ->
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let* _ = next_token in
let* e2 = parse_level3() in
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let op = match token2op c.token_type with
| Some x -> x
| None -> failwith "unreachable" in
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
aux (BinOpExpr (op, e1, e2))
| _ -> return e1 in
aux e1
and expr (): expr_tree parser =
let* e = (parse_let_expr() |> fmap (fun x -> LetExpr x)) <|>
(parse_fun_expr() |> fmap (fun x -> FunExpr x)) <|>
(parse_if_expr() |> fmap (fun x -> IfExpr x)) <|> parse_level3() in
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
return e
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
2025-01-30 01:40:22 +09:00
let get_expr_tree_from_tokens (tokens: (Token.t * Lexer.lexer_context) Seq.t): expr_tree option =
let ntokens = Seq.filter (fun ((token,_): Token.t * Lexer.lexer_context) ->
match token.Token.token_type with
| Token.Comment(_) -> false
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
| _ -> true
) tokens in
let ctx = { seq = ntokens; errors = [] } in
match expr() ctx with
| Some (e, _) -> Some e
2025-01-29 17:56:00 +09:00
| None -> None
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let normalize_calc_string (s: string): string =
Lexer.lex_tokens_seq s |> get_expr_tree_from_tokens |> expr2str |> Option.value ~default:""
2025-01-29 17:17:22 +09:00
let%test "test get_expr_tree_from_tokens 1" =
let actual = normalize_calc_string "let x = 1 in\n x" in
let expected = "let x = 1 in\nx" in
actual = expected
let%test "test get_expr_tree_from_tokens 2" =
let actual = normalize_calc_string "fun x -> x" in
let expected = "fun x ->\nx" in
actual = expected
let%test "test get_expr_tree_from_tokens 3" =
let actual = normalize_calc_string "if 1 then 2 else 3" in
let expected = "if 1 then 2 else 3" in
actual = expected
let%test "test get_expr_tree_from_tokens 4" =
let actual = normalize_calc_string "1 + 2 * 3" in
let expected = "1 + 2 * 3" in
actual = expected
let%test "test get_expr_tree_from_tokens 5" =
let actual = normalize_calc_string "x 1 2" in
let expected = "x(1)(2)" in
actual = expected
let%test "test get_expr_tree_from_tokens 6 with type" =
let actual = normalize_calc_string "let x: int = 1 in\n x" in
let expected = "let x: int = 1 in\nx" in
actual = expected
let%test "test get_expr_tree_from_tokens 7 with type" =
let actual = normalize_calc_string "fun (x: int) -> x" in
let expected = "fun (x: int) ->\nx" in
actual = expected
let%test "test get_expr_tree_from_tokens 8" =
let actual = normalize_calc_string "fun (x) -> x" in
let expected = "fun x ->\nx" in
actual = expected