module VariableBindingMap = Map.Make(String) type value_type = | Int of int | Fun of function_type and scope = { parent: scope option; bindings: value_type VariableBindingMap.t; } and function_type = { argname: string; body: Parser.expr_tree; scope: scope; } let rec eval_expr (scope: scope) (expr: Parser.expr_tree): value_type = match expr with | Parser.LetExpr (l) -> eval_let_expr scope l | Parser.FunExpr (ftree) -> eval_fun_expr scope ftree | Parser.IfExpr (Parser.If (cond_expr, then_expr, else_expr)) -> eval_if_expr scope cond_expr then_expr else_expr | Parser.BinOpExpr (op, left_expr, right_expr) -> eval_bin_op_expr scope op left_expr right_expr | Parser.MonoOpExpr (_op, _expr) -> failwith "Not implemented" | Parser.CallExpr (Parser.Call (func_expr, arg_expr)) -> eval_call_expr scope func_expr arg_expr | Parser.Identifier(name) -> let rec find_binding scope = match scope with | None -> failwith "Unbound variable" | Some s -> match VariableBindingMap.find_opt name s.bindings with | Some v -> v | None -> find_binding s.parent in find_binding (Some scope) | Parser.Number(n) -> Int n and eval_call_expr scope func_expr arg_expr = let func = eval_expr scope func_expr in let arg = eval_expr scope arg_expr in (match func with | Fun f -> let new_scope = { parent = Some f.scope; bindings = VariableBindingMap.add f.argname arg f.scope.bindings } in eval_expr new_scope f.body | _ -> failwith "Type error") and eval_if_expr scope cond_expr then_expr else_expr = let cond = eval_expr scope cond_expr in (match cond with | Int 0 -> eval_expr scope else_expr | _ -> eval_expr scope then_expr) and eval_let_expr scope ({ name = name; value_expr = value_expr; in_expr = in_expr; type_declare = _; }: Parser.let_expr_tree) = let value = eval_expr scope value_expr in let new_scope = { scope with bindings = VariableBindingMap.add name value scope.bindings } in eval_expr new_scope in_expr and eval_fun_expr scope (ftree: Parser.fun_expr_tree) = Fun { argname =; body = ftree.body_expr; scope = scope } and eval_bin_op_expr scope op left_expr right_expr = let left = eval_expr scope left_expr in let right = eval_expr scope right_expr in (match op with | Add -> ( match (left, right) with | (Int l, Int r) -> Int (l + r) | _ -> failwith "Type error" ) | Sub -> ( match (left, right) with | (Int l, Int r) -> Int (l - r) | _ -> failwith "Type error" ) | Mul -> ( match (left, right) with | (Int l, Int r) -> Int (l * r) | _ -> failwith "Type error" ) | Div -> ( match (left, right) with | (Int l, Int r) -> Int (l / r) | _ -> failwith "Type error" ) | Mod -> ( match (left, right) with | (Int l, Int r) -> Int (l mod r) | _ -> failwith "Type error" ) | Pow -> ( match (left, right) with | (Int l, Int r) -> Int (int_of_float (float_of_int l ** float_of_int r)) | _ -> failwith "Type error" )) let eval_str (str: string): value_type = let tokens = Lexer.lex_tokens_seq str in let expr = Parser.get_expr_tree_from_tokens tokens in match expr with | Some e -> eval_expr { parent = None; bindings = VariableBindingMap.empty } e | None -> failwith "Parse error" let%test "test eval_str 1" = let result = eval_str "let x = 1 in x" in match result with | Int n -> n = 1 | _ -> false