Add function and external value

This commit is contained in:
백현웅 2022-02-01 21:38:00 +09:00
parent 765ac6f004
commit 1dbc3f5264
6 changed files with 110 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -2,37 +2,69 @@ module Type = struct
type t = type t =
| Int | Int
| Float | Float
| Function
| External
| String | String
let to_string = function let to_string = function
| Int -> "int" | Int -> "int"
| Float -> "float" | Float -> "float"
| String -> "string" | String -> "string"
| Function -> "fun"
| External -> "external"
let supertype = function let supertype = function
| Int -> Some Float | Int -> Some Float
| _ -> None | _ -> None
end end
exception Invalid_type of Type.t (* simple, untyped AST. *)
type t =
| Value of value
| Var of string
| Let of string * t
| Unary of operator * t
| Binop of t * operator * t
| Apply of t * t list (* function application *)
| Set_binop_pre of operator * t
| Get_binop_pre of operator
| Set_binop_aso of operator * string
| Get_binop_aso of operator
module Value = struct and value =
type t =
| Int of int | Int of int
| Float of float | Float of float
| String of string | String of string
| Nop (* return of system operations *) | Function of string list * t
| External of string
| Nop (* return of system operations (will be deprecated) *)
and operator =
| Add | Sub | Mul | Div (* arithmetics *)
| Mod (* modular operation *)
| Exp (* exponentation *)
| Negate
exception Invalid_type of Type.t
module Value = struct
type t = value
let to_string = function let to_string = function
| Int n -> string_of_int n | Int n -> string_of_int n
| Float n -> string_of_float n | Float n -> string_of_float n
| String s -> "\"" ^ s ^ "\"" | String s -> "\"" ^ s ^ "\""
| Function (vars, _) ->
Printf.sprintf "function with %d arguments" @@ List.length vars
| External f -> "external " ^ f
| Nop -> "nop" | Nop -> "nop"
let typeof = function let typeof = function
| Int _ -> Type.Int | Int _ -> Type.Int
| Float _ -> Type.Float | Float _ -> Type.Float
| String _ -> Type.String | String _ -> Type.String
| Function _ -> Type.Function
| External _ -> Type.External
| Nop -> failwith "Value.typeof" | Nop -> failwith "Value.typeof"
let promote = function let promote = function
@ -43,11 +75,7 @@ end
(* operators *) (* operators *)
module Operator = struct module Operator = struct
type t = type t = operator
| Add | Sub | Mul | Div (* arithmetics *)
| Mod (* modular operation *)
| Exp (* exponentation *)
| Negate
exception Unavailable of t exception Unavailable of t
@ -61,18 +89,16 @@ module Operator = struct
| Negate -> "-" | Negate -> "-"
let negate = function let negate = function
| Value.Int n -> Value.Int ~-n | Int n -> Int ~-n
| Float n -> Value.Float ~-.n | Float n -> Float ~-.n
| _ -> failwith "Operator.negate" | _ -> failwith "Operator.negate"
let vi f a b = let vi f a b =
let open Value in
match a, b with match a, b with
| Int a, Int b -> Int (f a b) | Int a, Int b -> Int (f a b)
| _ -> raise @@ Invalid_type Int | _ -> raise @@ Invalid_type Int
let vf f a b = let vf f a b =
let open Value in
match a, b with match a, b with
| Float a, Float b -> Float (f a b) | Float a, Float b -> Float (f a b)
| _ -> raise @@ Invalid_type Float | _ -> raise @@ Invalid_type Float
@ -105,18 +131,6 @@ module Operator = struct
|> List.assoc_opt typ |> List.assoc_opt typ
end end
type t =
| Value of Value.t
| Var of string
| Let of string * t
| Unary of Operator.t * t
| Binop of t * Operator.t * t
| Apply of t * t list
| Set_binop_pre of Operator.t * t
| Get_binop_pre of Operator.t
| Set_binop_aso of Operator.t * string
| Get_binop_aso of Operator.t
let value v = Value v let value v = Value v
let unary op t = let unary op t =

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@ -31,3 +31,6 @@ let get_opt e name =
let set e name value = let set e name value =
Hashtbl.replace e.vars name value Hashtbl.replace e.vars name value
let add_seq e seq =
Hashtbl.add_seq e.vars seq

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@ -5,6 +5,17 @@ exception No_operation
exception No_such_variable of string exception No_such_variable of string
exception No_such_function of string exception No_such_function of string
exception Too_many_arguments
let assert_same_length vars args =
let vl = List.length vars
and al = List.length args in
if vl > al then
failwith "assert_same_length"
else if vl < al then
raise Too_many_arguments
else ()
let resolve_type op tp = let resolve_type op tp =
let optypes = Operator.get_types op in let optypes = Operator.get_types op in
let q = Queue.create () in let q = Queue.create () in
@ -48,7 +59,7 @@ let floatfun f = function
| Float n -> Float (f n) | Float n -> Float (f n)
| v -> raise @@ Invalid_type (typeof v) | v -> raise @@ Invalid_type (typeof v)
let apply f args = let ex_apply f args =
match f, args with match f, args with
| "sin", [n] -> floatfun Float.sin n | "sin", [n] -> floatfun Float.sin n
| "cos", [n] -> floatfun Float.cos n | "cos", [n] -> floatfun Float.cos n
@ -57,7 +68,7 @@ let apply f args =
| "rad", [n] -> floatfun rad n | "rad", [n] -> floatfun rad n
| _ -> raise @@ No_such_function f | _ -> raise @@ No_such_function f
let eval env ast = let rec eval env ast =
let rec aux = function let rec aux = function
| Value v -> v | Value v -> v
| Var v -> begin match Env.get_opt env v with | Var v -> begin match Env.get_opt env v with
@ -73,15 +84,21 @@ let eval env ast =
binop op l r binop op l r
| Let (var, e) -> | Let (var, e) ->
let v = aux e in let v = aux e in
Env.set env var v; Env.set env var v; v
| Apply (v, args) -> | Apply (v, args) ->
begin match aux v with
| Function (vars, e) ->
assert_same_length vars args;
let args = aux args in let args = aux args in
begin match v with let nenv = Env.make env in
| Var id -> apply id args List.combine vars args
| _ -> assert false |> List.iter (fun (v, a) -> Env.set nenv v a);
eval nenv e
| External f ->
let args = aux args in
ex_apply f args
| v -> raise @@ Invalid_type (typeof v)
end end
| Set_binop_pre (op, l) -> | Set_binop_pre (op, l) ->
let l = let l =
match aux l with match aux l with

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ let error_to_string e =
| Ast.Invalid_type t -> sprintf "invalid type %s" (Ast.Type.to_string t) | Ast.Invalid_type t -> sprintf "invalid type %s" (Ast.Type.to_string t)
| Eval.No_such_variable v -> sprintf "no such variable %s" v | Eval.No_such_variable v -> sprintf "no such variable %s" v
| Eval.No_such_function f -> sprintf "no such function \"%s\"" f | Eval.No_such_function f -> sprintf "no such function \"%s\"" f
| Eval.Too_many_arguments -> "applied too many arguments"
| Failure f -> sprintf "error on %s" f | Failure f -> sprintf "error on %s" f
| Division_by_zero -> "cannot divide by zero" | Division_by_zero -> "cannot divide by zero"
| _ -> raise e | _ -> raise e
@ -18,7 +19,17 @@ let error_to_string e =
let print_error e = let print_error e =
printf "error: %s\n" @@ error_to_string e printf "error: %s\n" @@ error_to_string e
let g = Env.init_global () let stdlib = [
"sin"; "cos"; "tan";
"deg"; "rad";
|> List.to_seq
|> (fun v -> v, Ast.External v)
let g =
let g = Env.init_global () in
Env.add_seq g stdlib;
(* read-eval-print *) (* read-eval-print *)
let rep env : unit = let rep env : unit =
@ -40,7 +51,7 @@ let rep env : unit =
exception Reset_line (* used to indicate ^C is pressed *) exception Reset_line (* used to indicate ^C is pressed *)
let init_repl () = let init_repl () =
Env.set g "ans" (Ast.Value.Int 0); Env.set g "ans" (Ast.Int 0);
(* treat Ctrl-C as to reset line *) (* treat Ctrl-C as to reset line *)
let reset_line _ = raise Reset_line in let reset_line _ = raise Reset_line in
Sys.(set_signal sigint (Signal_handle reset_line)) Sys.(set_signal sigint (Signal_handle reset_line))

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
open Ast open Ast
open Ast.Operator
module S = Set.Make(String) module S = Set.Make(String)
@ -146,8 +145,10 @@ let rec expr pre seq =
level; level;
assoc; assoc;
let_value; let_value;
(either unary value) @> binop pre; lambda;
apply; apply;
(either unary value) @> binop pre;
] ]
(* level := "level" {"get" | "set"} [op] *) (* level := "level" {"get" | "set"} [op] *)
@ -184,11 +185,27 @@ and let_value seq =
let e, seq = expr min_int seq in let e, seq = expr min_int seq in
Let (id, e), seq Let (id, e), seq
(* apply := ident [value]* *) (* lambda := "fun" [ident]+ "->" expr *)
and lambda seq =
let _, seq = ident "fun" seq in
let v0, seq = any_ident seq in
let vars, seq = more any_ident seq in
let _, seq = token Right_arrow seq in
let e, seq = expr min_int seq in
Value (Function (v0::vars, e)), seq
(* apply := value [value]+ *)
and apply seq = and apply seq =
let id, seq = any_ident seq in let v, seq = value seq in
let a0, seq = value seq in
let args, seq = more value seq in let args, seq = more value seq in
Apply (Var id, args), seq Apply (v, a0::args), seq
(* extern_value := external ident *)
and extern_value seq =
let _, seq = ident "external" seq in
let id, seq = any_ident seq in
Value (External id), seq
(* unary := - value *) (* unary := - value *)
and unary seq = and unary seq =

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@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ type t =
| LParen | LParen
| RParen | RParen
| Equal | Equal
| Right_arrow
let tokens = ref [ let tokens = ref [
"->", Right_arrow;
"+", Plus; "+", Plus;
"-", Minus; "-", Minus;
"*", Asterisk; "*", Asterisk;